V naší nabídce najdete vše pro kulečník - kulečníkové stoly pool billiard, karambol, snookera pyramida, tága, sukna, koule, lampy, křídy, kůže a vše pro výrobu a servis. Potahujeme všechny druhy kulečníkových stolů novým suknem. Nabízíme produkty významných firem CS Billiard, Aramith, Dynamic Billiard, Iwan Simonis, Buffalo, TOOL Billiard, Predator, Poison, Tweeten a mnoha dalších.
- Replacement screw skin diameter 12 mm - Plastic thread diameter of about 7.8 mm - Skin is screwed into the bone screw
Billiard Chalk Master - red - Special billiard chalk MASTER - Red color - High quality - The composition of silicon oxide + + red dye - Made in...
- Designer bonded leather ELK MASTER CUE TIPS - Special treatment in the production keeps cuticles soft and for many players who like to "cuddl...
- Cost-effective set of 4 balls karambolových BCB Carom - Karambolový standard size ball: 61.5 mm - Material: hardened polyester - Produces CLASS...
White ball pool billiards 60.3mm - Separate pooled spare white ball with a diameter of 60.3 mm "automatovka" - This ball is used in billiards "m...
Plastic sharpener leather cue - Material: plastic, red - Used to trim excess skin over Kostic cues - For karambolové pocket billiard cues and t...
Billiard chalk PREDATOR 1080 After more than five years of research and development, and three years of testing by top professionals, created th...
- Traditional brand and is very popular among the players bonded leather BUFFALO - Thanks to the quality of water buffalo leather is demonstrabl...
Dřevěný nástěnný ozdobný stojan na 6 tág: Stojan vhodný pro poolová, karambolová i snookerová tága Upevnění na stěnu - šrouby jsou součástí...
- Replacement screw skin diameter 12 mm - Plastic thread diameter of about 7.8 mm - Skin is screwed into the bone screw
Billiard Chalk Master - red - Special billiard chalk MASTER - Red color - High quality - The composition of silicon oxide + + red dye - Made in...
- Designer bonded leather ELK MASTER CUE TIPS - Special treatment in the production keeps cuticles soft and for many players who like to "cuddl...
- Cost-effective set of 4 balls karambolových BCB Carom - Karambolový standard size ball: 61.5 mm - Material: hardened polyester - Produces CLASS...
White ball pool billiards 60.3mm - Separate pooled spare white ball with a diameter of 60.3 mm "automatovka" - This ball is used in billiards "m...
Plastic sharpener leather cue - Material: plastic, red - Used to trim excess skin over Kostic cues - For karambolové pocket billiard cues and t...
Billiard chalk PREDATOR 1080 After more than five years of research and development, and three years of testing by top professionals, created th...
- Traditional brand and is very popular among the players bonded leather BUFFALO - Thanks to the quality of water buffalo leather is demonstrabl...
Dřevěný nástěnný ozdobný stojan na 6 tág: Stojan vhodný pro poolová, karambolová i snookerová tága Upevnění na stěnu - šrouby jsou součástí...
Brand FURY pool towel for drying the sweat from the hands of the billiard game and for cleaning the ...
Cue in the style of Casino Cards - "Black Jack Cards " - Two-piece pool cue with universal screw ski...
- Classic, cotton mesh for table tennis incl. clip-on earrings - The possibility of optimal voltage...
Značková samolepící startovací čára START LINE CYBERDINE Šířka: 5,5 cm Délka: 57,5 cm Odolný m...
Racing branded pocket billiard balls Aramith billiard PREMUM - Set of 16 pool balls - 57.2 mm diamet...
Mosazký hook designed to billiards snooker - For attaching to kulečníkovému table
- Quality pocket billiard cue from the series "Magnum" - Varnished Canadian maple material - Simple ...
Spare chain with two snap hooks - Smaller carabiner is attached to the Russian skittles ball (if ne...
Cover cue FURY 1/1 - A simple inexpensive cloth wrapping on cue - Intended for single cue (one spik...
Special object snap cover for billiard cues Rubber tubing is used to prevent slippage nectěnému cue...
Značková ochrana závitu poolovácý tág s muti upravovačem kůže určeno pro všechna tága se závitem 5/1...
Lozenge on a plastic 9-Ball, the ball 57.2 mm Diamond plastic balls to 9 - Used for building the po...
The cue ball pool billiards 60.3mm - Separate spare pools white sphere with a diameter of 60.3 mm "...
- Pocket billiard balls with a diameter of 38 mm - Set includes 16 balls - "A" quality. CAUTION: st...
- Replacement screw underwire with brass thread - Bone has a diameter of 12 mm - Screw the underwire...
- The low-cost one-piece pool cues with screw-skin diameter 12 mm and plastic thread - cue length 12...
diameter rotating handle 160 mm - Smooth finish with silver motif ABS
Pusher čmodrý - diameter 95 mm - Air Hockey Replacement pusher with felt Určemo for air hockey: COBR...
Loctite 401 instant adhesive designed for bonding difficult to bond materials which require uniform ...
Extension to support cue - The adapter is mounted on different supports cues - Extension is a two-pa...
Specilání cleaning kit very fine emery paper From a tip removes - dirt, sweat, chalk, cue, and oth...
A set of 15 pool balls Standart 50.8 mm + 1 white balls 50.8 mm. Made in Taiwan. WARNING: standard p...
Billiard TIMER to 4 karambolové balls - B4 Karambolový timer 4B FAVERO with a tray (with carrier) f...
Oc hexagonal cover for billiard tables - The cover is made ??of PVC and completed at the corners o...
Cue with a distinctive green wrap with white dice - Two-piece pool cue with universal screw skin - S...
Reasonably priced two-piece wall rack for 8 cues color light oak width 45 cm Recommended Rotec 13...
Metal pendant with stones - Billiard pendant with stones - Stones have different diameters (deep an...
Billiard pooled trophy (cup) themed pocket billiard player standing on the ball - Height 15 cm trop...
- Rubber karambolové trapezoidal rinks - Price for one piece of length 182 cm - The carom board to s...