Karambolové Super Aramith balls Traditional 61.5 mm

Karambolové Super Aramith balls Traditional 61.5 mm
-10 %
Karambolové Super Aramith balls Traditional 61.5 mm
Karambolové Super Aramith balls Traditional 61.5 mm
List price incl. VAT 79,44 EUR 71,46 EUR 59,06 EUR excl. VAT
Quantity discountsfrom 2 pcs70,95 EUR58,64 EURfrom 3 pcs70,70 EUR58,43 EUR
na dotaz
Personally in shop:on requestWith a delivery company:on request
CodeBG-205ProducerAramith SALUC S.AWarranty24 months
Very popular karambolové balls for owners rustic billiard who prefer dark red ball. This variety karambolových balls is more suitable for antique pool tables. This does not mean that their quality is not as high than other karambolových sets of Aramith balls from a number of manufacturers Saluc SA

  • Super Aramith balls carom ®
  • Set includes 3 balls
  • Classic racing ball size 61.5 mm
  • Legendary set of balls. Conventional karambolové color.
  • Manufacturer: Saluc SA (Belgium)

Investing in quality
Perfectly round and balanced - uniform weight and hardness, brilliant colors, resistant to friction - just a few of the key features that have received balls Aramith ® global reputation for the best. ® Aramith balls are internationally approved for tournaments and championships.

The return to investment
® Aramith phenolic balls last up to 5 times longer than other balls made ??from polymers or polyester. Tests on the simulator left no doubt: Aramith ® billiard balls are still perfectly playable even after 400,000 hits, whereas others had already depreciated. No wonder they are the logical choice for both commercial and private operators billiard tables.

Energy-saving investments
Thanks to its extremely long service life Aramith ® guarantees the lowest cost over time. Extra hard phenolic surface treatment significantly reduces burn spots on the baize and salaries. Less stains nose of the cushion. Save time and money!

Sensible investments
Aramith ® Ball used racing gamers. Improves image quality and playing characteristics. Due to its popularity generate greater profits for commercial use. Thanks to its long-term durability and ability to protect the baize, reducing operating costs.

VýrobceAramith SALUC S.A
Aramith ® fenoliková resin - what's the difference?

Heavy Duty design The robust design Heavy Duty design
Unlike polyester resin fenoliková is highly resistant to high load, while the balls in each of the same density.
Perfectly balanced core balls still provides the same run-balls without the slightest vibration.
Use of the phenolic resin guarantees homogeneous properties in each of the ball. Billiard balls of phenolic can withstand pressure of more than 5 here.

Aramith Burn Spot Resistant Resistant to high temperatures
during heavy hit by the cue ball accelerates from 0 to 30 km for a fraction of a second. When the friction ball on the baize easily climb temperature short time up to 250 ° C. The molecular structure of balls made ??of phenolic resin is designed to withstand these high temperatures, and have the least possible obrušovala the cloth. Balls retain their high gloss, smoothness and excellent game Aramith Burn Spot Resistant

Aramith Balls High Impact Resitance High resistance to impact
Because most powerful punch cue is the essence shoot at the pool, it is also a critical moment when the ball suffer the most. Thermally cured resin fenoliková Aramith ® stabilizes the voltage of the material. High density material nzaručuje maximum strength at ball impact. Tests showed more than 50-fold resistance balls Aramith ® than other balls made from polymers or polyester. There are also 2 more resistant to scratches. They are also far more resistant to mechanical damage of the fall in the pockets of pool, snooker transit mechanisms, blows and harsh ingredients cue chalk on the cue. Aramith Balls High Impact Resitance
ARAMITH® fenoliková pryskyřice - v čem je rozdíl?

Heavy Duty designOdolné a pevné provedení Heavy Duty design
Na rozdíl od polyesterových je fenoliková pryskyřice vysoce odolná vůči vysoké zátěži a přitom má v každé části koule stejnou hustotu.
Perfektně vyvážené jádro koule zaručuje stále stejný doběh koule bez sebemenších vibrací.
Použití fenolické pryskyřice zaručuje homogenní vlastnosti v každé části koule. Kulečníková koule z phenolicu odolá tlaku většímu než 5 tu.

Aramith Vypálit Spot ResistantOdolává vysokým teplotám
při silných úderech tágem zrychlí koule z 0 na 30 km za zlomek vteřiny. Při tření koule o kulečníkové sukno se snadno vyšplhá teplota krátkodobě až na 250 ° C. Molekulární struktura koulí vyrobených z fenolové pryskyřice je navržena tak, aby odolávala těmto vysokým teplotám a co nejméně se obrušovala o sukno. Koule si uchovávají svůj vysoký lesk, hebkost a výborné herní Aramith Vypálit Spot Resistant

Aramith Balls High Impact ResitanceVysoká odolnost proti nárazu
Protože bít koule je podstata hry billiard, odolnost proti nárazu je kritickým faktorem. Aramith tyto fenolické tepelně-vytvrzování plně stabilizuje materiálu napětí. Vyrábí zeskelněné vysokou hustotou povrch, který nabízí maximální odolnost proti nárazu. Testy ukazují, Aramith fenolické koule, aby vydržely více než 50 krát více než jiné dopady polymeru nebo polyesterových kuliček. Oni jsou také dvakrát odolnější proti poškrábání. V důsledku toho, když intenzivně využívána i na méně udržovaných tabulek, Aramith kuličky jsou jasně mnohem méně náchylné na poškození než ostatní Pocket upevnění, stolní mechanismy nebo cue tyčinky ...
Aramith Balls High Impact Resitance
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