Professional finisher - whetstone on whalebone-hand lathe - Tenoning machine TWEETEN

Professional finisher - whetstone on whalebone-hand lathe - Tenoning machine TWEETEN
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Professional finisher - whetstone on whalebone-hand lathe - Tenoning machine TWEETEN
Professional finisher - whetstone on whalebone-hand lathe - Tenoning machine TWEETEN
Professional finisher - whetstone on whalebone-hand lathe - Tenoning machine TWEETEN
List price incl. VAT 319,0 EUR 291,0 EUR 240,5 EUR excl. VAT
Personally in shop:Monday 17.2With a delivery company:Tuesday 18.2
CodeUS-700ProducerTweeten fibre co.Warranty24 months

Professional finisher - whetstone on whalebone-hand lathe - Tenonig machine TWEETEN

High quality, professional hand lathe from TWEETEN company, manufacturer and supplier of leather and other special supplements on cue.

- Designed for demanding users (billiard room, business repair tag)
- Easy to use and setup
- Ground and surface compares whalebone
- Removes old glue and remnants of the old skin
- You can edit the pin diameter cues, according to the diameter of the drill whalebone
- Inserts for diameters from 11 mm to 15 mm in price lathe
- A special adapter from 9 mm to 12 mm to be ordered separately

VýrobceTweeten fibre co.