New year 2013.,In cooperation with leading Czech designer modern interiors emergence of this unique pool. The advantage is only 10 cm wide side - SLIM thin line. 4 cm wide bumpers are made ??of laminated or on request from solid wood - oak. Bottom steel frame is 6 cm wide. Another advantage is the plethora of color combinations and special balancing system pool. When using the cover plate billiards fully replace the classic dining room or office desk. The ideal combination of fun and functionality.
The material: nets - laminate, hips and legs - steel profiles. Under the game board is a steel frame with balancing screws. 4 main balancing screws are hidden at the foot of billiards. The carom are karambolové wishbone rubber cushions TBS line.
The playing surface is billiardslate board. Slate is the only approved material European and international organizations billiardCMBS,CEB,EPBF.
Balancing billiards- Model SLIM has a dual balancing first expansion rotating handle hidden in all billiard second legs adjusting screws to help lift the board billiard table. The exact balance provide mechanical level with an accuracy of 0.15 mm/1m.
On a billiard table SLIM can place thecover plateand thus create multifunctional dining or work table.
As a further extension of the offerping pong board, which has classic racing dimensions.
For those interested in the universal pool table, wanting to play billiard and pool table offer for poolovémukarambolovou insertor the entire laminated frame theexchange karambolové rinks
U karambolových table cloth is delivered OPAL Green. Other brands or colors according to customer's request. Picking colors karambolových canvases can be in our color chart karambolových suken
Wide color offer billiards. Basic color billiard table - oak rustic. Other colors on request. Browse and select the largeswatch lamin KRONOSPAN
Metal parts billiards SLIM color adjust according to your requirements and quality popular method of powder coating. Choose a wide variety of powder coatings -powder paint swatch Komaxit