Krycí desky na kulečníky

Krycí desky na kulečník - český výrobek od CS Billiard s.r.o.- Krycí desky slouží k zakrytí a k ochraně kulečníkových stolů. Používají se na karambolových i pool biliardových stolech.
- Krycí ochranou desku na kulečníkovém stole můžete používat k mnoha různým aktivitám. Nečastěji jako pingpongový stůl, jídelní stůl, pracovní stůl, karetní stůl nebo stůl pro různé společenské hry a stavění puzzle
- Dle velikosti kulečníkového stolu vyrábíme jednodílné nebo dvoudílné krycí desky (na přání i z více dílů)
- Krycí deska může být dýhovaná nebo laminová. V případě, že máte kulečníkový stůl vyrobený z masivního dřeva, používá se krycí deska dýhovaná. Vše je velikostně a barevně sladěno vzorník barev masiv
- Na kulečníkové stoly vyrobené z laminových desek se používají krycí desky vyrobené z také lamina vzorníku lamin KRONOSPAN (pdf)
- Na poolových biliardových kulečníkových stolech krycí deska leží na koších. Na karambolových stolech je deska podlepená ochranným filcem a leží přímo na mantinelech. Ochranný filc zabraňuje
poničení a poškrábání mantinelů a samotné krycí desky
- Na přání zákazníka je možné krycí desku doplnit o gumové zarážky, které zcela zamezí nechtěný posun krycí desky po kulečníkovém stole

Cover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

179,2 EURCover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

Cover plate billiard. 200x100 laminate 2-piece cover plate on a pool table with a playing area of ??200 x 100 cm Material: Fiber glass cover plat...


Cover plate for snooker 6.5 feet 190x95cm LAMINO

191,2 EURCover plate for snooker 6.5 feet 190x95cm LAMINO

Cover plate billiard. 90 180x laminate 1-piece cover plate on a pool table with a playing area of ??180 x 90 cm Material: Fiber glass cover plate...


Cover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

239,1 EURCover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

Cover plate billiard. 200x100 laminate 2-piece cover plate on a pool table with a playing area of ??200 x 100 cm Material: Fiber glass cover plat...


Cover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

303,0 EURCover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

Cover plate billiard. 200x100 laminate 2-piece cover plate on a pool table with a playing area of ??200 x 100 cm Material: Fiber glass cover plat...


Cover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

422,8 EURCover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

Cover plate billiard. 200x100 laminate 2-piece cover plate on a pool table with a playing area of ??200 x 100 cm Material: Fiber glass cover plat...


Cover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

394,8 EURCover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

Cover plate billiard. 200x100 laminate 2-piece cover plate on a pool table with a playing area of ??200 x 100 cm Material: Fiber glass cover plat...


Cover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

319,0 EURCover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

Cover plate billiard. 200x100 laminate 2-piece cover plate on a pool table with a playing area of ??200 x 100 cm Material: Fiber glass cover plat...


Cover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

382,8 EURCover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

Cover plate billiard. 200x100 laminate 2-piece cover plate on a pool table with a playing area of ??200 x 100 cm Material: Fiber glass cover plat...


Cover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

195,2 EURCover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

Cover plate billiard. 200x100 laminate 2-piece cover plate on a pool table with a playing area of ??200 x 100 cm Material: Fiber glass cover plat...


Cover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

179,2 EURCover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

Cover plate billiard. 200x100 laminate 2-piece cover plate on a pool table with a playing area of ??200 x 100 cm Material: Fiber glass cover plat...


Cover plate for snooker 6.5 feet 190x95cm LAMINO

191,2 EURCover plate for snooker 6.5 feet 190x95cm LAMINO

Cover plate billiard. 90 180x laminate 1-piece cover plate on a pool table with a playing area of ??180 x 90 cm Material: Fiber glass cover plate...


Cover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

239,1 EURCover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

Cover plate billiard. 200x100 laminate 2-piece cover plate on a pool table with a playing area of ??200 x 100 cm Material: Fiber glass cover plat...


Cover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

303,0 EURCover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

Cover plate billiard. 200x100 laminate 2-piece cover plate on a pool table with a playing area of ??200 x 100 cm Material: Fiber glass cover plat...


Cover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

422,8 EURCover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

Cover plate billiard. 200x100 laminate 2-piece cover plate on a pool table with a playing area of ??200 x 100 cm Material: Fiber glass cover plat...


Cover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

394,8 EURCover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

Cover plate billiard. 200x100 laminate 2-piece cover plate on a pool table with a playing area of ??200 x 100 cm Material: Fiber glass cover plat...


Cover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

319,0 EURCover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

Cover plate billiard. 200x100 laminate 2-piece cover plate on a pool table with a playing area of ??200 x 100 cm Material: Fiber glass cover plat...


Cover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

382,8 EURCover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

Cover plate billiard. 200x100 laminate 2-piece cover plate on a pool table with a playing area of ??200 x 100 cm Material: Fiber glass cover plat...


Cover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

195,2 EURCover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

Cover plate billiard. 200x100 laminate 2-piece cover plate on a pool table with a playing area of ??200 x 100 cm Material: Fiber glass cover plat...

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10 products
Cover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

Cover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

179,2 EUR
na dotaz

Cover plate billiard. 200x100 laminate 2-piece cover plate on a pool table with a playing area of ??...

Cover plate for snooker 6.5 feet 190x95cm LAMINO

Cover plate for snooker 6.5 feet 190x95cm LAMINO

191,2 EUR
na dotaz

Cover plate billiard. 90 180x laminate 1-piece cover plate on a pool table with a playing area of ??...

Cover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

Cover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

191,2 EUR211,2 EUR
výroba na objednávku

Cover plate billiard. 200x100 laminate 2-piece cover plate on a pool table with a playing area of ??...

-9 %
Cover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

Cover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

195,2 EUR223,2 EUR
výroba na objednávku

Cover plate billiard. 200x100 laminate 2-piece cover plate on a pool table with a playing area of ??...

-13 %
Cover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

Cover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

239,1 EUR
na dotaz

Cover plate billiard. 200x100 laminate 2-piece cover plate on a pool table with a playing area of ??...

Cover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

Cover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

303,0 EUR
na dotaz

Cover plate billiard. 200x100 laminate 2-piece cover plate on a pool table with a playing area of ??...

Cover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

Cover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

319,0 EUR
na dotaz

Cover plate billiard. 200x100 laminate 2-piece cover plate on a pool table with a playing area of ??...

Cover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

Cover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

382,8 EUR
na dotaz

Cover plate billiard. 200x100 laminate 2-piece cover plate on a pool table with a playing area of ??...

Cover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

Cover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

394,8 EUR
na dotaz

Cover plate billiard. 200x100 laminate 2-piece cover plate on a pool table with a playing area of ??...

Cover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

Cover plate to the pool seven feet 200x100cm LAMINO

422,8 EUR
na dotaz

Cover plate billiard. 200x100 laminate 2-piece cover plate on a pool table with a playing area of ??...