Novinka pro domácí kutily! Vymyslete si a vybudujte si vlasní hrací pole pro ruské kuželky. Dodáme Vám závěs upravený práškovou barvou nebo žárovým zinkováním. Dubové kuželky, hrací dubovou kouli a veškerý spojovací materiál. Závěs pro hru ruské zahradní kuželky je pevný, jednoduše demontovatelný a snadno přenosný. Závěs je zakončen ocelovou plotnou se čtyřmi otvory pro pevné spojení se zemí. Je jen na Vás jaké si vybudujete hrací pole - dlažba, beton, dřevo. koberec...
Russian hanging garden skittles - HANGER powder coated + OAK bowling - Stable steel frame hinge - Quick and easy assembly and disassembly - The h...
Russian hanging garden skittles - HANGER zinc + OAK bowling - Stable steel frame hinge - Quick and easy assembly and disassembly - The constructi...
Russian hanging garden skittles - CONSTRUCTION powder coated - a highly stable structure - Quick and easy assembly and disassembly - The structur...
Russian hanging garden skittles - CONSTRUCTION zinc - a highly stable structure - Quick and easy assembly and disassembly - The construction is f...
Russian hanging garden skittles - HANGER powder coated + OAK bowling - Stable steel frame hinge - Quick and easy assembly and disassembly - The h...
Russian hanging garden skittles - HANGER zinc + OAK bowling - Stable steel frame hinge - Quick and easy assembly and disassembly - The constructi...
Russian hanging garden skittles - CONSTRUCTION powder coated - a highly stable structure - Quick and easy assembly and disassembly - The structur...
Russian hanging garden skittles - CONSTRUCTION zinc - a highly stable structure - Quick and easy assembly and disassembly - The construction is f...
Russian hanging garden skittles - HANGER powder coated + OAK bowling - Stable steel frame hinge - Qu...
Russian hanging garden skittles - HANGER zinc + OAK bowling - Stable steel frame hinge - Quick and e...
Russian hanging garden skittles - CONSTRUCTION powder coated - a highly stable structure - Quick and...
Russian hanging garden skittles - CONSTRUCTION zinc - a highly stable structure - Quick and easy ass...